In her very words: 'She and Kanye will not make it and what kind of mom will she be? A single mom,' she said. '(They will split) 30 seconds after the baby is born. I believe right now there is probably a plan in motion and Kris (Jenner, Kim's mother) is probably helping Kim and Kim is probably asking for the help.'
Wendy said that she thinks that Kanye has already had enough of the Kardashian clan's antics.
'I think Kanye's about sick of all of it and he might think he has invested too much into this family and he is not going to win,' she continued.
Judging by Kanye's perennial grumpy demeanour, am I the only one thinking she may be right with her prediction
Well Kim already suspects dat Kanye is gay. I really wudnt blame him for leaving her. The Kardashians are definitely a handful..