New mother Kim Kardashian made a fleeting return to the spotlight on
Friday for the first time in more than seven weeks...but if you expected
to see her body , sorry it was just her face.
The 32-year-old appeared in a brief video recording on her mother Kris
Jenner's daytime chat show and surprised her mum with a short message,
'Hey mom, I just wanted to say congratulations on your new show. I’m sorry I couldn’t be there in person, but I’m just loving life a little bit too much at home right now.''But I watch you every single day and you are so amazing. You really are born to do this. I just want to say I love you and have an amazing show.'
She looked happy and healthy in the clip dressed in a white top.
Following the video message, Kris broke down in tears as she marvelled about the surprise with her guest host Diddy.
'You did make me cry... Thank you Kimmy,' she said as she wiped her eyes with a towel.
Watch the video after the cut....
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