Are you ready for the Season 6 premiere of
The Game tomorrow at 10P/9C? We are! We know all you ultimate fans have been waiting with baited breath to see if
Malik's gone back to his old ways, if
Tasha and Pookie's love has survived, how are
Jason and
Chardonnay now that their marriage is really, really official? And what's this you've been hearing about these newbies?
Blue and
Keira? What dramedy will they bring to the Sabers' and Sunbeams.
Not only will you be able to watch the hour long premiere tomorrow, but
the entire cast will be live tweeting the show! Want to get in on the
social action? Hashtag #THEGAMEBET on Twitter and maybe, one of your
favorite actors will retweet your comment.
Don't miss out! Log on to Twitter and watch BET at 10P/9C to see the hour-long Season 6 premiere of
The Game!